[RTTY] RE: Flat panels...........

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Fri Nov 19 15:14:04 EST 2004

Hi all,

On the Friday before WAEDC, I jumped in and bought a 15" Acer flat panel to
replace one of my shack monitors.
Part of the reason was that they both generate a lot of noise on the radio.
Sadly, the noisier monitor was actually the better of the two, but I did
replace that one.
During WAEDC, I had no excess noise on 10m, although the band wasn't really
that active, but at least I didn't have a huge spike of noise around 28090
any more.

Today, I bought it's slightly bigger brother - a 17". I've now set them so
that the 17" is the main monitor, and the 15" is the secondary screen.
I had thought about two 15" screens, but then decided the extra real-estate
the 17" would give me was worth it.
In the end, I got them locally, as this eliminated carriage costs from the
UK mainland (about £50 extra!) and if I ever have any problems, I can easily
take them back.

One of the reasons for choosing the Acer was the fact that the standard
"kettle" plug goes straight into the monitor, so I guess the transformer is
built in. As far as I am concerned, that makes a neater installation,
although there may be minus points for that. Time will tell.

Going to flat panel monitors has reduced the noise significantly. The CRT's
produced some big noise spikes at differing intervals on each band, and the
worst was on 10m.
I had changed the refresh rate to shift the spikes out of the 14080 - 14100
and 21080 - 21100 section, but I still had spikes around 14075 and 14105,
and again on 21075 and 21110. Fine for general work, but a pain in contests!

73 all

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