[RTTY] Filters for an ICOM 706
Don Hill AA5AU
aa5au at bellsouth.net
Fri Oct 1 19:35:14 EDT 2004
I concur with Tony. Go with the 250 hz filter instead of the 350 hz filter
though. I use the 250 hz filter in my '775DSP and it's perfect for RTTY
contesting. I only take it off to see if there is anyone close to my frequency.
And this brings up an important point. The 250 filter is so good that you could
be CQ'ing your ass off and not getting any replies because some STRONG station
is sitting a few hz away banging away as well.
Which brings up another point away from the subject. Running a KW this past
weekend and STILL couldn't believe how many stations butted up against me. I
was half tempted to "slide" dead onto their CQ frequency and start calling CQ
but I'm a better sport than that (I hope). I simply moved although I didn't
have to move too often.
One multi station in EU kept chasing me around on 15 and getting right up next
too me to point where he was messing me up on my receive despite the 250 hz
filter. It wasn't bad at times because I realized that stations in EU were not
hearing him but the clicks did bother my receive. Eventually I lost him, but
they were a pain the butt.
Luckily I didn't start drinking beer until the last 2 hours or I would have slid
right on top of them and hit the Auto CQ button. Man, I hate being a nice guy
some times!!!
73, Don
-----Original Message-----
From: rtty-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf
Of radioman
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 5:23 PM
To: RTTY at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Filters for an ICOM 706
I have the 746, with the 250 filter..
I don't find any problem using the filter, in contesting, some stations will be
a little off at times, but that may-be
1 out of 25 or so contacts. it really don't hurt using the 350 filter.. for me
I'm used to the 250 and it really bangs the QRM down I have no experience with
the 350, I supose it would be a better with the contesters, that are off a bit
but a quick hand on the VFO fixes that.. in all if U do more pouncing then
CQing, what would it matter if there a little off..
In the Name of Home Land Security
IM a child of the 60's don't confuse me of Being a Terrorist!
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Fleming" <john at wa9als.com>
To: <rtty at contesting.com>; "Ian S. Amos" <ve3esh at cogeco.ca>
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Filters for an ICOM 706
> > During the CQ WW RTTY Contest I found the bands very congested,
> > which
> > to expected, however with no filters in my ICOM 706 I was getting
> clobbered
> > by other station and could not print while they were transmitting.
> > So
> > is time to buy a filter, ICOM has 4 to choose from:
> > 500 hz & 250 hz for RTTY / CW and
> > 1.8khz & 3.3 khz for SSB.
> I don't know which "706" you have, but there's another option for the
> 706MKIIG. I use the FL-232 350 Hz filter for RTTY, and I think it's
> near optimum. You can do RTTY with 250 Hz, but it gets problematic
> really fast if people are off frequency. The 350 is a big improvement over
the 500.
> you do a lot of CW, maybe you want the 250, but for RTTY, I'd get the 350.
> GL - 73, John WA9ALS
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