[RTTY] Re: [PSK-TARA] Kenwood TS-940S Acc#2

Jack West w7ld at olypen.com
Sun Oct 17 11:24:17 EDT 2004

     I have been ruunning my TS-940S A/T in FSK since 1988 in FSK.   First
with a
Commodore 64 and MBA-TOR cartridge and now with a Desktop PC.   I built an
inteface in a small radshack box that looks like the one AA5RU pictures in
his writelog starter document.    I have one RCA phono jack each for PTT
(RTS), CW (DRT),
and FSK (TXD).   However, I used 3 of the 4N series OPTO-ISOLATORS vice the
transistors in the article.   Also, I reversed the input to the TXD isolator
so it will produce Reversed FSK which the TS-940 requires.  The diodes used
in each of the isolator circuits are LEDs.  I used a green one for FSK, a
yellow one for CW, and a red one for PTT so I can visually monitor what is
being keyed.
      To hook this up to the radiio... I have one cable from the ACC-2 PTT
and Gnd and plugs into the PTT of the interface box.  I have another that
goes from the RTTY  of the 940 jack and into FSK jack of the interface box.
The CW of the box goes to a "Y" cable with one end plugging into the CW jack
of the 940 and the other end to my paddle keyer (so I can use paddles or
computer or CW keying)
      For PSK and other AFSK ops I use the phone patch in/out of the 940.
Phone patch out goes into the sound card mic.   Sound card out...goes into
the phone patch input.   I reduce the amplitude of the phone patch output
with a 50 ohm resistor to ground and a 5k pot in series.
     All this works well....with PTT working from the MIC, send switch, CW
VOX, and via the computer.   Sure seems simple to me.   Good luck.   Clint
KK7UQ is in my ham club and lives just up the road a few miles form me.   He
is a sharp engineer.   He has seen my setup here and was amused at its
simplicity.   He is the guy who supplied the opto-isolators for my interface
de Jack / W7LD / "Lucky Dog"

----- Original Message -----
From: <rogerroot at cs.com>
To: <PSK-TARA at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 7:07 AM
Subject: [PSK-TARA] Kenwood TS-940S Acc#2

> Has anyone out there had a problem with the Accessory #2 socket on your
> TS-940S while using a digital mode? I thought I was going to be able to
leave the
> plug in this socket while using the SSB mode but I have to unplug the
> #2 plug to activate the PTT on the front of the 940.
> I am using KK7UQ's interface.
> Thanks for any feedback.
> 73,
> Roger - W7LZ
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