Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Mon Oct 18 13:40:04 EDT 2004

Hi all,

Well, that was FUN! Didn't get as much operating time as I had hoped, due to
having new carpets fitted in two rooms on Friday, which meant a lot of
furniture to be moved out, and then all back again.

The bands were in quite good shape, considering. 15m was excellent, and 20
wasn't too bad either.

I had a few odd exchanges, such as GUP&70 57 74 TOO 59 73 DE XX1XX !!
I suspect that the 57 and 74 were "TU UR" but putting 59 with a 73 wasn't
really a good idea!

Bob VE6YR was an excellent signal here, up to S9+10dB at times on 20m, and
about S9 on 15m, but I took longer calling him on 15m. Great to work Mark
N7MQ for the first time, and on two bands as well! Thanks to both.
All ten USA call areas on 20 and 15, which surprised me a little, and the
W6/W7's were real ones!
Highlight was working 9M2/G4ZFE on 40m, and working S79SO on 15m for an all
time new one on RTTY!
9I40Z was worked on 15 and 10m, but many folk insisted on the call being
9I4OZ (ie Oscar Zulu). It was 9I FOUR ZERO Zulu, and the QSL is via JL1NKC
for anyone who needs it.

As for ages, well, here are some stats from my log:
Mean age:  53
Most common:  57
Next most common: 62
Oldest:  82 (courtesy of W1YR)
Youngest: 13 from UN7PBY

200 were older than 50, and only 144 were younger than 50.
75% of my contacts were between the ages of 40 and 60!

Anyway, here is my claimed score:

                 QSO          Points          DX            Call areas
80m              3                6               3                   0
40m             42              87            28                   1
20m            178            425           42                  17
15m            127            349            32                  18
10m              4               11              4                     0
TOTAL:      354            878
Mults:         145
Score:         127310

I am going to post a few thoughts seperately! Look for my next email!

I will upload my log to LoTW soon!

73 all

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