roofus roofus at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 19 14:15:06 EDT 2004

I belong to a number of these Email groups and by far I enjoy this one the
best.  Reminds me of an old group of fishing buddies talking about the one
that got away and how many reasons that it did.  Anyway, I was going to push
hard in this one but Murphy's law came in and took down my 80/40 antenna and
the wench next door started whining about her TV reception so I just sat
back and had fun operating 100 watts and part time.

                   QSOs           Points            DX:                Call

80m:           21                  42                  0

40m:           41                  93                  12                  8

20m:           160                411                40                  17

15m:           54                  154                21                  7

10m:           0                   0                   0                   0

Total:          276                700

Total multipliers:               115

Score:                              80500

My thoughts about the age groups in the contest.  We surely need to attract
the younger crowd but the "BABY BOOMERS" are retiring and looking for a
hobby to pass the time so I think we will see a new group of older new hams
joining the ranks over the next few years.  I have also found RTTY
contesting much less stressful than the other modes being able to sit back
and do much with just the keyboard and mouse.  At 57 I am not among the
ranks of the "OLD TIMERS" but being handicapped I find RTTY contesting the
most user friendly of all.

Dennis KI8U

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