[RTTY] Pet Peeve
Richard Ferch
ve3iay at rac.ca
Tue Oct 19 21:15:10 EDT 2004
At 10:25 PM 18/10/2004, W4UK wrote:
>I agree that a separator at the end of a buffer is needed. I also have
>spaces at the end of all my buffers to make sure my text is clear. They
>are sent by WL. I would never have guessed that software would strip out
>any trailing spaces. Maybe so in a CW macro, but not RTTY. Can you tell us
>which programs would strip them? Should be easy to check this - just put
>one char at the front of a long macro of spaces and see what happens when
>you send it.
Hmmm ... I seem to remember someone once naming a popular program that did
this, but I'll be darned if I can find the message now, so maybe my memory
is playing tricks on me. I just tried it out with the N1MM/MMTTY
combination on AFSK, and it sends trailing spaces. I don't have Writelog,
so can't test that. I suppose it may also depend on whether you are using
MMTTY or a TNC...
Anyway, I figure that the total number of QSOs I make in a contest is
limited by the number of stations who can hear me, which in most RTTY
contests is far fewer than the number I could possibly work at a maximum
rate. In other words, whether a perfect QSO takes 15 seconds or 16 seconds
will probably make little or no difference to my score, but if each QSO
were to take 30 seconds or a minute instead of 15 seconds due to extra
repeats, waits, etc., that might just cut into my total depending on how
long that particular band is open - so I tend to prefer slightly longer
messages which reduce the likelihood of requests for repeats.
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