[RTTY] AFC and NET: No, thanks

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at ispwest.com
Wed Oct 20 14:19:07 EDT 2004

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 13:58:59 +0200, f6irf at free.fr wrote:

>FSK users: You will never forget to remove the AFC and reset to 2125 when
>going to S&P:  N1MM automatically resets MMTTY to your FSK freq pair (and
>toggles the AFC according to the context - IE AFC on when CQ'ing / AFC off
>when a station has been decoded  -  AFC-off+ reset to default mark when going
>S&P )


For what it's worth:  IMO, AFC should NEVER be used during a contest
and here's why.

When you're doing S&P and tuning across the band, AFC will reach out
and "grab" the other station before you have it correctly tuned in.
As a result, your TX frequency will be off from your RX frequency by a
certain amount.  The only way to compensate for this is if you're
using AFSK, you can turn on both AFC and NET, but why bother since you
need to turn them both off when CQing.  Just use RIT for what it was
intended.  Actually, I don't even use RIT.  When CQing I use split A
and B VFO's, thereby allowing me to tune with the big knob instead of
the little one.  Either way is better than AFC/NET.

AFC and NET:  Spawn of the devil.  :-) 

Bill W6WRT

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