[RTTY] RITTY 4.5 Issue

ka3hsw at earthlink.net ka3hsw at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 20 21:58:30 EDT 2004

I may be way off base here, but since RITTY actually runs under DOS, 
don't you have to install DOS ("legacy") drivers for your sound card? 
It's been so long since I messed with any DOS-based programs that I 
don't remember whether 98's sound drivers support DOS-window programs 
or not.........

George, KA3HSW

On 20 Oct 2004 at 7:19, A. J. Cioffi wrote:

> Hi Fellas,
> I am trying to get RITTY 4.5 to operate again on a system where it once was.
> The OS (WIN98SE) has been reinstalled with all the appropriate drivers.  I
> ran RITTY but I get no sound from the sound card.  The sound card is working
> with other windows programs such as the standard sound bytes that come with
> the OS.  I checked all the settings in RITTY such as AFSK and the outbound
> levels.   Still no diddles.  I am not sure where to look at this point.
> Thanks for your help.
> Tony - N2KI

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