[RTTY] Re: just thought you might like to see

WB2RHM - Ben Antanaitis WB2RHM at ARRL.net
Sun Sep 12 15:32:44 EDT 2004

At 12:00 09/12/2004, you wrote:

>From: Larry L Lindblom <llindblom at juno.com>
>Subject: Re: [RTTY] just though you might like to see
>In the past 5 days I've uploaded over 24,000 Qs going back a bunch of
>years and it is very obvious to me the RTTY OPs are really using LOTW.
>As I haven't done anything DXCC wise since getting the Phone and Mixed
>certificates back in 1969 (yes, 1969), I'm not even sure of why I did it.
>From: Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>
>Subject: Re: [RTTY] just though you might like to see
>ou did it because you can help others.  I am not interested in receiving
>confirmations from LoTW (I still like paper QSLs), but am happy to upload
>my logs so that others may have the benefit of them.

Jim, Larry,

Thank you both for doing this.  Someday, hopefully soon, the ARRL will 
allow LoTW credits to be applied to WAS and other awards in addition to 
DXCC.  Your selfless acts will allow 'newbies' like me (a 41 year ham but 
only getting serious about RTTY QSO/contesting over the past year), to get 
confirmations for RTTY contacts made a little easier

I have been trying to collect the 'paper' to make 5BWAS-RTTY mode and it is 
tough. Even though I send a QSL and an SASE to folks I need, some actually 
use my SASE to reply and say they 'do not QSL any longer', even though they 
list DXCC's and WAS's up the wazoo on their QRZ brag sheets and web sites. 
Perhaps, when it is as painless as sending in a contest log, most everyone 
will be able to exchange acceptable QSL's for all RTTY mode contacts via 
the LoTW.

Thanks again, 73,

Ben Antanaitis

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