Tom Homewood w1to at adelphia.net
Wed Sep 22 15:56:21 EDT 2004

One more time, from the Rules pdf file.

VII. Exchange: Stations operating within the 48 continental
United States and the 14 Canadian areas transmit RS(T) report
plus State or Area (Canada only) plus CQ Zone. All other stations
transmit RS(T) and CQ Zone.

The first contact in a Zone is a double multiplier, state (or province or
country) plus the Zone.

See you guys from K1TTT in the contest.

73, Tom, W1TO

> Mike,
> Answer to the "two" questions:
> No, and Yes.
> No, the exchange is RST and your State (not zone)
> Yes, States and VE areas are mults.
> 73, and good luck,
> George .. W1ZT
> At 02:58 PM 9/22/2004, W0YR at aol.com wrote:
> >Guys,
> >
> >Perhaps I have been asleep for the past ten years, but I don't remember
> >States (48) being useful as multiplier in the CQ WW RTTY Contest.
> >
> >The exchange... is RS(T) and your CQ Zone, as stated in paragraph VII of
> >official rules.
> >
> >Yet, in Paragraph X. it reads...
> >
> >X. Multipliers:  One multiplier point for each U. S. state (48) and each
> >Canadian area (14) on each band.
> >
> >IS THIS TRUE??????
> >
> >I am looking at the official 2004 rules off the CQ Magazine website.
> >
> >A little clarification, please!
> >
> >Mike
> >W0YR/4

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