[RTTY] Re: Operating practices in CQWW

Kok Chen chen at mac.com
Mon Sep 27 17:47:57 EDT 2004

On Sep 27, 2004, at 2:30 PM, Ekki Plicht wrote:

> It's less the slowdown by transmission but the slowdown by hunting the 
> call on
> screen with the mouse, because the screen is full and scrolls up with 
> the
> CRs, hi hi-

You must have good pileups, Ekki HI HI.

BTW, doesn't your program have a contest mode where the <CR> can be 
turned in spaces or something like that in the receive window?  That 
would prevent scrolling and it would still be quite usable for 
capturing call signs and contest exchanges.

Chen, W7AY

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