Schulz Jonathan jonathan.schulz at siemens.com
Tue Sep 28 13:57:33 EDT 2004

 Bill Turner [mailto:dezrat1242 at ispwest.com] wrote: 

>"...I had to manually enter the /x on several calls during the contest and
>I'm wondering why the stations sent the /x in the first place?

>It's not required by the FCC.
>It's not required by the contest rules.
>It slows things down.

>So why do it? "

Because if they don't and the software defaults a Zone 3 for W6xxx (who is
W6xxx/4 and is in Zone 5) and in the heat of the run I don't change the zone
(My responsibility to log what sent not what assumed however...)

I guess I may long for the old days when if you lived in W4 land (for
example) you had to have a W4 call or sign /4

(curmudgeon at age 42? :-))

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