[RTTY] Transmission Length

Dave Barr k2yg at verizon.net
Thu Apr 7 16:57:22 EDT 2005

<>This is in response to Phil’s (W9IXX) statement  “Your help/hints 
would be appreciated” in regard to his up coming CY0AA RTTY operation 
and printing accuracy of callsigns. But this concerns length of 
transmission rather than how it is ended (where Phil’s suggestions are 
very good.)

Anyone who worked or tried to work the recent FT5XO operation probably 
observed that multiple re-tries by FT5XO were often required once he 
called a specific station because he could not print their reply. While 
this may sometimes be a result of poor propagation, it is more often the 
result of QRM to the contacted station caused by those who were NOT 
called by the DX who keep calling on the contacted stations QRG. Nothing 
can be done in the case of stations who call and call when they really 
can’t print the DX well enough to ever see who the DX is working, or 
those who believe that constant calling will cause other callers to move 
off “their” frequency. For the rest of us, the solution to the problem 
is length of transmission, for BOTH the caller and the DX.

<>In the case below, I would often miss transmissions from the DX 
station. W2XXX and K2YG are calling the DX on the same frequency. 
Operation is split, of course. <>

(FT0XT sends) QRZ UP UP

(after a few moments of everyone calling, the DX has printed W2XXX’s call)

(K2YG sends): K2YG K2YG K2YG K2YG K2YG
(FT0XO sends): W2XXX W2XXX 599 599 BK
(these two transmissions sent at the same time)

(having been sending when the DX was calling and not hearing the DXs reply,

<> <>K2YG again sends): K2YG K2YG K2YG K2YG K2YG
(W2XXX sends): QSL UR 599 TU DE W2XXX (at the same time) <>

Since both K2YG and W2XXX are on the same qrg, FT0XO might not print 
XXX’s reply. This could repeat for several cycles with the same result: 
no good QSO.

If I kept my calls shorter, say three repetitions, my transmission would 
be shorter than that of the DX, so I would always know he was calling 
someone, as shown below:

<>(K2YG sends): K2YG K2YG K2YG
(FT0XO sends): W2XXX W2XXX 599 599 BK

Seeing the “9 599 BK” I would at least know the DX is calling someone, 
and then wait for the next QRZ, if I have any manners.

<>On the DX station’s side, it would be a good idea to make his 
transmissions longer, especially if he's doing a lot of repeats, and add 
that last sending of the call of the station he’s trying to work, as 
Phil mentioned. <>

(FT0XO sends): W2XXX 599 599 W2XXX W2XXX KN
(K2YG sends) K2YG K2YG K2YG K2YG K2YG

I would still know that the DX sent something, even with my x 5 

<>Bottom line for Callers: Call frequently, but call short.

Bottom line for Rare DX: Call long with contact call repeated at end.

Dave K2YG

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