[RTTY] ARRL WAS Digital Award Numbers

Peter Laws plaws0 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 14:56:58 EDT 2005

On 8/1/05, Dick Kriss, AA5VU <aa5vu at arrl.net> wrote:

> Looks like I will have to start over to get the "WAS Digital" endorsement
> sticker to add to my WAS RTTY #054 or WAS Packet #005.  Did the ARRL "WAS
> Digital" awards start over with #001?

It doesn't appear so.  From the posts here, the numbering of RTTY WAS
didn't reset when it was lumped in with the other modes.  But you
can't get a numbered Packet award any more.

The ARRL's page describing WAS is a little confusing, at least to me. 
It appears that only following awards are numbered:

Basic (mixed mode/band)
144 MHz, 432 MHz, 222 MHz, 50 MHz, or 160 m

Digital is a "specialty" award, but is not numbered, save for RTTY. 
The ARRL site claims 10 awards, but I can only get to 10 if I county
Digital and RTTY separately.

Phone is now a non-numbered specialty award, too.  You have to
actually look at the application to see that, like "Digital", you have
to be specific. (AM/FM/LSB/USB/"Other").  This is a change from when
SSB was an endorsement of the Basic award (i.e. a year ago).

Other endorsements are available, too (all seem to be in the form of stickers):

any single HF band

Many, many permutations, but not well-explained on the ARRL site,
IMHO.  I wrote this all out mostly for my own benefit to ease my own
confusion.  ;-)


Peter Laws | N5UWY/9 | plaws0 gmail

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