[RTTY] Interesting Buro SWL Card

Douglas Hall doughall at pobox.com
Sun Aug 14 15:12:18 EDT 2005

It's my understanding that distortion due to multipath and selective 
fading is quite severe on 160m, making 45 baud FSK  more difficult to 
copy than on the higher frequencies. I'm just repeating what I've heard 
- I don't have a great deal of experience on 160m RTTY.
Doug Hall, K4DSP

On Aug 14, 2005, at 6:45 AM, Darren Hatcher wrote:

> Hello all,
> Forgive the newbie question (I've only done a handful of RTTY contests 
> this
> year), but the texts I've read all say that RTTY on 160m is rare (and
> therefore DX is as well I guess).
> Is there any particular reason for this? There is DX to be had for CW 
> and
> SSB so I thought that RTTY, etc, should also be possible and more 
> common.
> Thanks for any info,

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