[RTTY] 160 Meter RTTY

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Sun Aug 14 23:01:40 EDT 2005

N7US wrote:
 >I think RTTY on 160 is
unnecessary and will antagonize the weak signal ops.  If one wants to
experiment with it, then my suggestion is to get the advice from one or more
experts on 160, such as W4ZV, who moderates the Topband reflector on

         Jim and all, there's absolutely no
problem with using RTTY or other digital
modes below 1810.  Most of the weak signal
CW is between 1820 and 1840, so there is
no problem below 1810.  I was a member of
ARRL's 160 Bandplan Committee and we felt
the area below 1810 would be best for the
digital modes, avoiding 1810.00 itself which
is the QRP calling frequency.  I often hear
RTTY activity below 1810.0 so please feel
free to go for it there!

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

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