Mike k4gmh at arrl.net
Sun Aug 21 14:37:02 EDT 2005

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 22

  Band  QSOs   Pts   Mults
    80:   63    695    30
    40:  214   2810    65
    20:  407   5520    94
    15:  213   3025    54
    10:    0      0     0
Total:  897  12050   234  Total Score = 2,928,150

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Thanks to the SARTG for sponsoring this Contest. The time on and off are nice.
Also, thanks to all who were kind enough to work me.
The propagation was better this weekend than for the WAECW last weekend.  The
better propagation furnished good DX on all the bands from an East Coast USA
view.  Even 80 meters was interesting with KH6ZM and ZL2AMI in the log. (If the
ZL2AMI QSO holds up through the log checkers, then my second career will be
reading tea leafs at the local tea room.  Tough copying Bob's, ZL2AMI, signal
through the mid-summer noise.)

         Mike, K4GMH 

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