[RTTY] poll response

Chuck Brudtkuhl wa0roi at rocketmail.com
Tue Dec 20 22:13:42 EST 2005

When tuning RTTY signals, I use:  
    (method)        (example)   
 [ ]  Scope           (MMTTY)
 [x]  Scope           (a real scope)   
 [ ]  FFT display     (a la MMTTY)
 [ ]  LED bar graph   (specify)
 [ ]  LED x-y display (specify)
 [ ]  by Ear
 [ ]  other           (IC756 display scope)
 [ ]  I never have to tune. I only CQ.
 My primary decoder is:   (brand/model)
 HAL ST-6000 (w/ TRTY)  
 My secondary decoder is: (brand/model)
HAL ST-6000 (w/ TRTY)
  IRL FSK-1000 (w/ TRTY)
  HK-232 (w/ Procom Plus)
  (haven't hooked this one up yet, but TONO THETA-777)

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