[RTTY] NAQP, the Sprint and RTTY

WI8W wi8w at wi8w.org
Tue Feb 8 13:08:39 EST 2005

It has become apparent to me that the reason for the conflict on 40 
Meters between this years's ARRL Roundup and the NAQP CW contest was a 
creation of the calendar and the rules of the ARRL Roundup.

The rules of the NAQP CW state that the contest is to be held the second 
full weekend of January which this year was January 8-9.

The rules of the ARRL Roundup state that the contest is to be held on 
the first full weekend of January but not on January 1

As January 1 this year fell on Saturday the contest was moved to the 
first full weekend not on January 1 which was also January 8-9.

This will occur whenever January 1 falls on Saturday .

As for the CW Sprint and the WPX RTTY

The CQ WPX RTTY is always held the second full weekend of February, 
which this year is February 12-13

The CW Sprint in February  apparently follows the rules for the Fall 
contest  which states that it is to be held the first Sunday after the 
first Monday of the month.  That puts the date this year as February 
13.  It does not explain how  last  years date was January 31.

This is a conflict that apparently will be around for a few more years 
because of this rule. The sponsors of the Winter date might want to 
reconsider the date formula to prevent this from happening.

Got your narrow filters installed?  You will need them,  at least on 40 


Thom WI8W

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