[RTTY] re: spots originating stations; tips for DX-spider
f6irf at free.fr
f6irf at free.fr
Fri Feb 11 09:27:20 EST 2005
If you are connected to a DX-spider cluster (i.e. telnet) it is possible to
accept only spots coming from your area (country, state or zone) and reject all
others using the <accept/spot by> conmmand ...
See the spider manual, for example at :
look at para 7.9
7.9 Filters to accept spots based on by
by filters are similar to and function exactly as call filters except that they
act on the spotting station callsign and not the spotted callsign
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] by <prefixes>
This filter is based on DXCC entities and uses the DXCC entity number found by
using the command show/prefix and it accepts spots generated within the
spotting DXCC entity and rejects other spots.
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] by_dxcc <numbers>
This next filter is based on ITU regions and uses the ITU region number found by
using the command show/prefix (see above), except that it accepts spots
generated by a spotting callsign within the ITU region and rejects all other
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] call_itu <numbers>
This filter is based on CQ zones and uses the CQ zone number found by using the
command show/prefix (see above), except that it accepts spots generated by a
spotting callsign within the CQ zone and rejects all other spots.
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] call_zone <numbers>
This filters is based on the state location of the spotting station found by
using the command show/usdb and accepts only those spots generated by stations
from the states(s) specified rejecting all other spots.
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] by_state <state2-letter postal codes>
What's interesting is that you may combine more than one filter, for example
accept/spot 1 on hf/rtty (filter 1: will reject anything but HF/RTTY)
accept/spot 2 on 7030/7050 (filter 2: will extend the RTTY band on 40m...)
accept/spot 3 by_zone 5 (filter 3: will reject anything not originating from
zone 5)
accept/spot 4 call 6O (filter 4: will reject anything but calls starting with
note: the filters have to be entered one by one...
the command <sh/mydx> will provide an history of spots which are compliant with
your filter setup. So in the above case only 6O spots on HF-RTTY originating
from zone 5... (sh/dx will still show all spots)
See you in the contest...
PS: clear/spot 4 (to erase filter 4), clear/spot all to reset all filters
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