[RTTY] The MMMM's !!

Jeff Stai WK6I wk6i at twistedoak.com
Wed Feb 16 19:26:59 EST 2005

TOOAQWEAQWE actually....;-)

there were some guys this time putting two spaces between the DE and their call, thereby defeating the software assist on the DE for call highlighting...

- jeff wk6i

At 03:12 PM 2/16/2005, Jerry Flanders wrote:
>How about the guy who sent his exchange with dashes AND spaces in, like 
>"599 - 123 - 123"  WHAT WAS HE THINKING?
>Anyway, I was glad to see the spaces. I hate those TOO-QWE-QWE exchanges.
>Jerry W4UK
>At 21:59 2/16/2005, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
>>The guys who send "5NN" on RTTY crack me up.  They obviously don't understand
>>why 5NN is sent on CW (does anyone eversay "FIVE-ENN" on phone?) and don't
>>understand why it is a BAD idea on RTTY.
>>73 - Jim AD1C 

Jeff Stai               jds at twistedoak.com
Twisted Oak Winery      http://www.twistedoak.com/
Rocketry Org. of CA     http://www.rocstock.org/
Amateur Radio           WK6I 

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