[RTTY] RE: RTTY Digest, Vol 25, Issue 10

John- W4DJ w4dj at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 6 16:14:12 EST 2005

Hello All
I'm also doing the NAQP CW contest with FCG and the rest of the time on 
Just coming back from being off the air for a year and a half.
Starting the year off with a New Yaesu FT-1000 MP Mark V while the new 
Antenna Farm is being planned to go up this year in Northwest Florida.
You can see some pics of the 5 acre property at http://www.qsl.net/w4dj
When the House and antenna farm is built you will see my call in alot of the 
contests including RTTY.
GL to all this weekend and see you on the Bands.
de John W4DJ

>From: "Charles Morrison" <cfmorris at bellsouth.net>
>Reply-To: cfmorris at bellsouth.net
>To: <rtty at contesting.com>
>CC: 'David Hachadorian' <K6LL at adelphia.net>
>Subject: [RTTY] RE: RTTY Digest, Vol 25, Issue 10
>Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 09:17:46 -0600
>Yeah, its for this reason Im going to let Don win singlehandedly, Pat's
>going to be doing NAQP CW from the camp, so im stuck SO1R at home.  Oh 
>no competition from me again this year..  :)
>Message: 7
>Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 14:01:50 -0700
>From: "David Hachadorian" <K6LL at adelphia.net>
>Subject: [RTTY] CW/RTTY QRM Saturday evening
>To: "RTTY Reflector" <rtty at contesting.com>,	"cq-contest reflector"
>	<cq-contest at contesting.com>
>Message-ID: <008a01c4f369$c8f6a720$0202a8c0 at cyberpower>
>Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
>	reply-type=original
>The NAQP CW  and the RTTY Roundup contests are both
>scheduled for this coming Saturday. With a lot of the
>RTTY activity occuring around 7040, and the NAQP
>suggested frequencies of around 7030, 40 meters has all
>the potential of becoming a total zoo.
>The only hope I can see is for cw guys to use the lower
>part of the band, down into the Extra Class portion,
>and for the RTTY guys to stay as high as possible,
>above 7080 for domestic QSO's, and above 7040 for DX.
>It's a shame that these two great contests got
>scheduled for the same weekend. I would have loved to
>enter both, but the January NAQP CW has got to be the
>"funnest" contest of the year, so that's where I'll be.
>Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
>Yuma, AZ
>RTTY mailing list
>RTTY at contesting.com

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