[RTTY] Questions about MicroHam Keyer with MMTTY

Norman Wald normanwald at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 9 21:14:08 EST 2005

I spent the entire weekend trying to get my RTTY running, and it had 
been working 3 weeks ago. Does anyone on the list have a similar 
combination of gear to mine that I can get advice from?

microHam Keyer (microHam USB Device Router version 1.13) Using 
virtual COM port 5.
MicroHam MK IC 13 cable assembly
MMTTY (version 1.65B)
HP OmniBook XE3 (Windows XP Pro)
Icom 706MKIIG

The HP laptop has a headphone jack, cable goes to MK soundcard port 
OUT - and a microphone jack, cable goes to MK soundcard port IN. 
Everything else hooked up by the book using MK IC 13 cable assembly.

Therefore there is no cable from MK soundcard port MIC.

It had been running perfectly, I obviously screwed up the MMTTY or 
Device Router settings.

And big apologies to anyone in the ARRL contest this weekend who 
heard me transmitting "No Tones, No Modulation, No Mark, Just Space".

Finally, how do you do a screen snapshot in Windows XP? On my 
Macintosh it's a snap (pun intended).

Norman W9VQ

Norman Wald
Amateur Radio W9VQ
w9vq at arrl.net

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