Roger Cooke rcooke at g3ldi.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Jan 24 02:18:28 EST 2005


Well, those flares certainly did not help. USA stations were rare, not
much from the West at
all, and not too many JA's either. Nothing out of the UK on ten
meters, and only local stations
heard there!

  There were some pretty awful sounding signals around, but I had
better not say too much as
I have not yet done the keying mod on my FT1000!! Not sure if the
keyclicks are there on FSK
or not, so will have to check that. However, plenty of others about!

   I did not have a linear this year but put in more time than last
but most of the contacts are with S&P as I did not have a loud enough
signal for a run. Next year I will.....

  Here are my results.

Sponsored by British Amateur Radio Teledata Group.


___ Single OP		          Multi-Op. Single Transmitter (All band only)
       Single Op expert

80m: 	138
40m:	106
20m:	140
15m:	41
10m:	1
Total:	426
Continents:		6
Call Areas:		9
DXCC:		54
Total multipliers:	63
Score:		161028
Station Description:
  FT1000MP - MMTTY + Writelog
Antenna(s): TH7DXX + Dipoles + Rhombic
Multiplier Summary
4X     5B     9A     9M2    A7     CN     CT     DL     EA     EA8
ES     EU     F      G      GM     GU     HA     HB     I      IS
JA     K      LA     LX     LY     LZ     OD     OE     OH     OK
OM     ON     OZ     PA     PY     S5     SM     SP     SV     SV9
T9     UA     UA2    UA9    UN     UR     VE     YB     YL     YO
YU     Z3     ZC4    ZL

Call Areas
K2   K4   K6   K7
VE1  VE2  VE7
JA2  JA8

73 de Roger G3LDI
rcooke at g3ldi.freeserve.co.uk
g3ldi at amsat.org
g3ldi at qsl.net
g3ldi at gb7ldi.#35.gbr.eu

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