Scott Nichols snichols at mvosprey.com
Sun Jul 17 09:18:03 EDT 2005

  North American QSO Party, RTTY

Call: VE1OP
Operator(s): VE1OP
Station: VE1OP

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 4.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:    5     5
   40:   96    37
   20:  187    50
Total:  288    92  Total Score = 26,496

Club: Maritime Contest Club



Hadn't even planned on getting into this one at all, but bad weather and and a
visiy from Murphy on my boat transom prompted a quick abort of a weekend fishing
trip, so I found myself home at 2200 looking at the rain pissin down...Fired up
the gear and was on the air at 2217, a little late, so I figured I had missed
any possible QSO's on 15 and 10...Started on 20 with a couple hours of good runs
and fair propagation...Switched over to 40 at 0025 where it was a struggle, so
spent a couple hours flipping between 40/80/20 and gave it up at 0054...

Lots of DX calls, EU was booming in on 40, and had a few QSO's with Central
America, which is a bonus...

Had fun for the 4.5 hours I was on, C U in the next one...

Scott VE1OP

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