Dick White whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jul 17 17:05:42 EDT 2005

I had a great time. Band conditions were the same here as anywhere else. It
made for a few more  "agn" macros. Worked 38 states and 8 Provinces and 3 DX
calls. I was able to get in 5 hours working the contest. I found 40 M opened
mid afternoon with a lot of calls. It was a lot of fun. Sorry I had to QRT
just as 80 M was getting better. My WF1B v.5.02 and my old KAM PLUS never
lost a lick during my on the air time. Thanks to those who worked me.  See
you in the next RTTY contest.

Dick  KS0M

NA QSO Party  RTTY  16 July 2005
    Call used: KS0M
    Location:  MO
    Entry Class: Single Op, All Band Low Power

    Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX
    80               6      6        5        0
    40             75    75      37        0
    20             87    87      29        1
    15             15    15       11       0
    10               1      1         1       0
    Total    184   184    83     1

    Claimed Score: 15456

    Club Participation: TCG  FOLK

Richard C. "Dick" White        whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Fulton,  MO. 65251

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