[RTTY] Need MMTTY.txt log for 29-March 40m RTTY

BDaniels01@aol.com BDaniels01 at aol.com
Tue Jun 14 22:17:16 EDT 2005

Tim-KU4J    wrote

I just received my FT5XO qsls and BOTH (20m/40m)of my solid RTTY contacts 
were 'not in log'.  

I kind of wonder if the 40 meter RTTY QSO wasn't a pirate.  
I am very sure that I worked FT5XO, or someone claiming to be FT5XO, on 40 
meters the same night about an hour later and was also NIL.  He was working 
split at about 7.034 mhz listening up.  That was the only night I could hear him 
on 40 meters.  The only other QSO I managed was a 30 meter CW QSO.  That one 
was confirmed.  So at least I didn't get shut out, but I sure would have liked 
that RTTY confirmation.

73  Bob - K8KWT

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