[RTTY] FD 2005 RTTY/PSK Observations

Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Sun Jun 26 17:01:24 EDT 2005

Dick Kriss, AA5VU wrote: "Rather than taking the time to say 1D stations
should not work 1D stations in FD I just logged the QSO and moved on to the
next QSO. I finally got around the problem by changing my CQ Macro to say

Several years ago, I suggested to the contest department, that the rules be
changed to require 1D stations to sign accordingly! As Field Day is not a
contest, but an "operating event", the suggestion must have fallen on deaf
ears? I realize that 1D stations may work each other, but receive no points.
It just seems to me that it would be far more efficient, and time saving,
than the present rules?
I only operated RTTY for about 30 minutes, and the 100 Q's on phone just
reinforced my dread for phone operation! As Larry said, and I have no idea
from where it originated,  the "please copy", that accompanies 99% of all
phone contacts, is totally uncalled for? If Field Day is, in fact, a
"training session", the training leaves much to be desired? I shudder to
think about having to depend on some of the aforementioned operators, in the
case of an actual emergency?

okie dokie...off the soapbox

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW
1E "no setup, no teardown, cool and comfortable"

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