[RTTY] Comments on "RigExpert"

Ed Privette ed at privette.com
Wed May 11 09:55:43 EDT 2005

I took the liberty of forwarding the message below to you gentlemen for 
comment. I have used almost everything HAL ever built along with AEA, 
soundblaster, Rigblaster and others but have never used a RigExpert and was 
wondering if some of you might comment.

Howard claims below that it copies 100% when sound card devices are copying 
nothing really got my attention!

Any of you done a heads up comparison?

Thanks, Ed W4EP

Fwd: Re: [SteppIR] Which is Better?

>I have a RigExpert on one computer and a RigBlaster Plus on a Second 
>computer both connected in parallel through the CT-17 to a Pro 3, PW-1 and 
>RigExpert is my primary digital mode interface BECAUSE it will decode 
>signals about 6 - 10 db better than the RigBlaster. There is no comparison 
>on really weak signals.. The RigExpert will still decode 100% copy when 
>the RigBlaster and MicroHam do not copy anything.
>Reason.. The Rigblaster uses internal sound cards which live in the very 
>noisy environment inside the computer... They suffer from ground loops, 
>noise, artifacts and aliasing that the RIgExpert does not have since it is 
>effectively an external sound card.  Also I like the fact that the 
>RigExpert is a simple single USB connection to the computer (no masses of 
>cables and wires) and does not require physical  tweaking as everything is 
>controlled in software...
>The MicroHam Keyer suffers from the same internal sound card problems that 
>the RigBlaster does.  Think of it as a more expensive RigBlaster with an 
>USB interface.
>I use the RigBlaster primarily as a display driver for Ham Radio Deluxe {I 
>like to have big frequency displays on one of my monitors} .. and some 
>experimentation with SCAMP as RIck Muething has not yet written a SCAMP 
>driver for RigExpert.
>Have recently seen some people experimenting with External 24 bit USB 
>Sound cards...with some apparent success
>Howard S. White Ph.D. P. Eng., VE3GFW/K6  ex-AE6SM  KY6LA
>"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"
>Formerly "Awfully Extremely Six Sado Masochist"
>"Krazy Yankee Six Loves America"
>Website: www.ky6la.com
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Jerry K3BZ
>   To: (Reflector) SteppIR
>   Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:49 AM
>   Subject: [SteppIR] Which is Better?
>   I have my SteppIR 3L controller connected thru a CT-17 to an ICOM 
> 756ProII. I'm just starting to get interested in digital modes and have 
> zero experience.  Opinions, please...Which would be a better for me and 
> why.... a Rigblaster Plus, a RigExpert, or a MicroHam?
>   73.  Jerry K3BZ

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