Andreas Rehberg arehberg at gmx.de
Fri May 20 05:44:48 EDT 2005

> It is simply a question of mailing a copy of the license... but you're 
> right, many hams haven't bothered.

> 73 from Ian GM3SEK


well and that´s the problem for most non-Anglo-Saxon people.

There´s a really deep fear of any abuse.. don´t ask me why..
probably something historic..

Another example.. nobody here in DL will ever fax his credit
card number when purchasing something or even tell someone
on the phone.. so credit cards are not popular.. etc.

this are social conventions a provider of an international
service has to consider..
one solution may be a local authority to check the identity
(think eQSL does this.. and this may be one reason it is
more widely spread outside US??)

another reason.. as mentioned before (in Italy).. is that many national
counterparts of the ARRL, like the DARC in DL offer free unlimited
QSL Service with the membership..

well, I´ve gone through the process and actually have a rate
of 4.4% (which is slightly under the over all rate of 4.5%)
with QSOs back to 1982..

Andy, DF4WC

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