[RTTY] The Ukrainian DX Contest 2005
Vladimir A. Gordienko
gord at kron.donetsk.ua
Thu Nov 3 10:09:28 EST 2005
Dear Friends,
The Ukrainian Contest Club (UCC) and The Ukrainian Amateur Radio
League (UARL) invite you to participate in annual Ukrainian DX Contest
on November 5-6 2005, from 12:00 UTC Saturday to 12:00 UTC Sunday.
Modes: CW, SSB, RTTY. Frequency Band: 1.8 - 28 MHz.
Up-dated Rules 2005 available at:
Results URDXC'2004 available at:
Sponsors Prizes and Plaques:
A - SOAB HP - DX - Plaque , sponsor UX1UA
A - SOAB HP - EU - Plaque , sponsors UT7UJ & UCC
B - SOAB LP - Plaque , sponsors UT7UJ & UCC
E - SO RTTY - EU - Medal, sponsor MM0DFV
D - SOSB - Prizes - sponsor UCC
F - MOAB - DX - Plaque , sponsors UT7UJ & UCC
F - MOAB - EU - Plaque , sponsors UT7UJ & UCC
Maximum number of QSO with Ukraine - SO - Prize (sponsor UT7QF)
Maximum number of QSO with Ukraine - MO - Prize (sponsor UT7QF)
Ukraine :
A - SOAB HP Mixed - Plaque , sponsor UR7QM
A - SOAB HP CW - Plaque , sponsors UT7UJ & UCC
A - SOAB HP SSB - Plaque , sponsor UR7QM
A - SOAB HP CW - veteran - Plaque, sponsor UARL
B - SOAB MIX LP - Prize, sponsor UCC
B - SOAB CW LP - Prize, sponsors UY5ZZ & UCC
B - SOAB SSB LP - Prize, sponsors UR3EO & UCC
E - SO RTTY - Prize (300 USD), sponsor UR5FAV
F - MOAB Mixed - Plaque , sponsors UT7UJ & UCC
F - MOAB Mixed - young boys team - prizes, badges, monetary
prize (sponsor UU5WW)
G - MOAB RTTY- young boys team - prizes, badges, monetary
prize (sponsor UU5WW)
The highest number of multipliers of SOAB - HP - MIXed -
prize (sponsor UT1IA)
Also special thanks to UR0MC, US7QZ, UR3EO, UT2IZ for sponsoring
and donations.
73 Vladimir UT1IA (EO1I)
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