[RTTY] FW: ARLB027 ARRL 2005 Frequency Measuring Test set forNovember 17 UTC

DJ3IW Goetz goetzlin at t-online.de
Thu Nov 10 11:38:08 EST 2005

Good idea Chris,
however their 80 and 40m frequencies are blocked by BC stations
over here and 160 is unlikely to be copiable.

73 de Goetz, DJ3IW
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dick Kriss, AA5VU" <aa5vu at arrl.net>
To: "psk31-post" <psk31 at aintel.bi.ehu.es>; "rtty-contesting" 
<rtty at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 4:14 PM
Subject: [RTTY] FW: ARLB027 ARRL 2005 Frequency Measuring Test set 
forNovember 17 UTC

> How about using the 17-Nov ARRL FMT to check your RTTY/PSK setup for
> frequency accuracy?  Just tune the test tone and record where you 
> would spot
> the tone if it was a rare DX station on the cluster.  The tone 
> should be no
> different than a PSK31 signal.  I did it last year and I was close 
> but not
> right on the money.  It was a good way for me to get a feel for the
> frequency stability (or lack thereof) of my rig, the computer sound 
> card and
> the software.   All you have to do is put your rig on the ARRL 
> specified
> dial frequency and record the offset of the test tone. If you enter, 
> the
> ARRL will send you a report on how close you came.
> I hope to do better this year.  The hard part for me will be 
> remembering to
> look for the tone on 17-Nov at 0245z.  It may be interesting to note 
> the
> deviation in cluster spots of the ARRL FMT test tone.
> 73, Dick AA5VU

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