[RTTY] 40 meters

Roger Cooke roger at g3ldi.co.uk
Thu Nov 10 10:32:53 EST 2005


Not only CW all over the band, but did anybody hear the lids in the SSB 
CQWW operating literally
ALL OVER 40 meters. I heard quite a few SSB stations in the bottom 5kHz 
and all over the CW end.
This is not acceptable.

  Having said that, why is this problem such a prevalent one, when all 
the publicity says that amateur
radio is dying on it's backside? If it were thus, there would be plenty 
of room to operate any mode within
the "gentlemans agreed" bandplans. The fact is that we do not have 
enough spectrum for our present day
needs. This all leads to bad operating, bad manners, bad tempers and 
worst of all, bad publicity for the
hobby. We should be pushing for extra HF spectrum.
  Admittedly the EU 40 meter band will be extended in a few years, to a 
massive 200kHz. Listening up
there in the evenings in EU and it is clobbered with 100kW transmissions 
from commercials that nobody
listens to. Not only that, but Radio Luxembourg is now testing a 
wideband digital transmission within that
upper 100kHz and occupying about 40kHz with S-9 plus 40dB of noise!
  It would be nice to restrict contests withing sub-bands so that normal 
contacts can still be made, skeds
kept, and DX worked without the obligatory ( and redundant ) 5-9 xxx 
being yelled out from over-processed
needlessly wide transmissions! Still, that's contesting, and I am a 
contester of sorts ( was very keen at one
time from GB4ANT ) so no need to flame me!

73 de Roger, G3LDI

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