[RTTY] The QTC after a contact situation

Barry w2up at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 16 14:15:24 EST 2005

I've operated WAE for many years (even before computer logging!) and 
the QTC issue has never been a problem.  It's fairly common for 
stations worked early in the contest to come back and ask for QTCs on 
Sunday.  A similar circumstance is you only had 5 QTCs when the 
station was first worked, and he comes back later for another 5.  

In both cases, I just log the call again (which is a dupe), then go 
to the QTC window to do my thing.

It doesn't matter that the main log is littered with dupes.  Log 
checking is automated, and I'm sure the software doesn't care :.)  If 
you look at the QTC file, you'll see the info that goes along with it 
clearly identifies the station sent/rcvd QTC.  There is no indication 
in the QTC file whether a valid QSO or a dupe occurred in the main 

While your log may not win the "prettiest log" award, it's certainly 
acceptible and within the rules, similar to the duplicate serial 
numbers that occur from time to time in SO2R and multi operations.
Barry W2UP

On 16 Nov 2005 at 18:48, Phil Cooper wrote:

> Hi all,
> Several have suggested that the way I handled QTC's some time after
> making a QSO with a station is open to error, and yes, I agree, it
> COULD cause an error.
> I will check out what I did, and see how it actually worked for me,
> but I seem to remember using a buffer to elicit the contact, and it
> MAY have been this fact that caused WL to use that specific call for
> the exchange of QTC's, even though I had deleted it from the call area
> before going on to exchange QTC's. All I can say for sure is that it
> worked for me, and yes, I did check to make sure that it was correct.
> As for dupes, I am not too worried by them, but I prefer to keep my
> log looking as neat as possible. It is a personal choice for me, and
> yes, my log will occasionally record a "dupe", where, for example, a
> QSO was not completed due to QRM/QRN/QSB. However, I have no desire to
> have a log splattered with DUPE's just because it is easier to do so.
> Maybe this is something Writelog should address? The ability to select
> a call for an exchange of QTC's seperate from the actual QSO?
> That's it for now on this subject! No more QTC till next year!
> 73 all,
> Phil GU0SUP
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Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club

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