Ken K7ZUM Ken.Knopp at verizon.net
Sat Oct 1 17:40:30 EDT 2005

QTH: Sint Maarten
Operating Time (hrs): 39

 Band  QSOs  Pts   State/Prov  DX   Zones
   80:   59   121       20      21     9
   40:  359   831       39      57    17
   20:  447   961       45      69    25
   15:  425   894       38      65    20
   10:   67    94       22       7     6
Total: 1357  2901      164     219    77  Total Score = 1,334,460

Club: Willamette Valley DX Club

Left Portland by myself, on a Wednesday night on the red-eye flight to ST. Maarten,
on another "suitcase field day style DX-ped"
arrived at 2:30 thursday afternoon, headed for a place I had not been to 
before, so a lot of unknows in this operation, after a conservation with the
property owners, started setting up soon after, as usual on these outings, all
I used for an antenna was a single Butternut HF6V antenna stuck in the sand
with only a dozen radials underneath of it, and all of them pretty much in the
direction of Europe, think I might have had two more or less pointed to the U.S.,
the property I was on just would not allow me to spread them out. 
Saturday morning after getting no calls from my CQ's and my S&P calls, I thought
maybe the wind blew my ole butternut into the ocean, so went outside several times
just to see if it was still standing !!
Ended up sick for most of the weekend, and by Sunday, could only work for an
hour at a time, then it was go lay down on the bed and stretch out for 10-15 minutes.
ended the contest 2-1/2 hours before the end, as had by that time, enough, and had 
to start tearing the station down and packing everything up to catch a plane back to 
Portland the next morning and get back to work !!......... talk about a fast trip !
Highlight of the contest........... Saturday evening seeing our friend Don, AA5AU's call 
come across my screen ! WAY TO GO DON !! thats dedication.
Low point of the contest, being on 80 mtrs and having the same europeans
work me over and over again,  I do not normally set up a "qso b4" key, but I finally
got tired of it, and stopped to set one up ! and the same stations still contuined
to keep calling, finally moved up the band so I could work some "new stations" !
all in all, was pretty satisified with my results, considering conditions,
and using just a single Butternut stuck in the sand !

73 de K7ZUM
Ken in Gres"HAM"  Ore

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