K4SB k4sb at bellsouth.net
Fri Sep 9 15:46:48 EDT 2005

> On 9/8/05, Ronald A. Stunden <ve7yc at shaw.ca> wrote:
> > I've set up an old 450 PII puter to run some of the programs that won't run
> > on the higher speed, XP machines  etc. Like WF1B, TR and others. When I
> > first go to the dos command the serial ports are shown. Boot any of the
> > programs comes up and says there are no serial ports? Go out to windows and
> > back to dos serial ports are back. Can't for the life of me figure what's
> > going on nor remember having this problem in the past.. Also does it with
> > two venison of 98 oems.. any suggestions as to what I have forgotten?? Ron

Ron, what specifically is the Windows OS?

Peter Laws wrote:
> Windows must not have drivers for the ports.  Go into Device Manager
> and see if they are there or are disabled.  You should be able to
> update the drivers from there, if necessary.

If the computer has serial ports, any version of Windows should have
picked them up.
and Peter's suggestion is very sound. You can also add the devices in
Device Manager.
( add new hardware )

BUT, if the BIOS on that machine is not set to Plug and Pray, Windows
will not set the
ports up. And possibility it's too old to even heard of P&P.


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