[RTTY] CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY entry

f6irf@free.fr f6irf at free.fr
Wed Sep 28 15:28:03 EDT 2005

 >Other possibility: I have tried recently a log-checker (freeware) which allows
>import in ADI and  export to Cabrillo. I can't remember the name right now ( it
>is German I think) but it is intalled on my PC at home,  so I'll be able to
>give you the name  later...

Sorry Graeme,
Was thinking about LM4 by DL8WAA... Very good piece of software , but
unfortunately it does not support any RTTY contest at this stage...

About log-checkers, I have to spot sh5 by UA4WLI... very good log-checking
functions (like spotting of N1+1's - U's, etc... stats with graphical output,
etc...) unfortunately it only imports cabrillo or N6TR files - not ADI!
it also still has quite a few bugs... (ie it founds me more stations on 5 bands
than I actualy did !)

The same applies to "log-checker" by UU0JC it imports ADIF but requires
registration to export as Cabrillo... and found quite a few annoying bugs
especialy with database handling!

So at the end would recommend N1MM,
1) because 100% free software needs to be supported  (for me it is also a
ham-spirit matter)
2) because importing adi / rescore contest / export to cabrillo is quite

An adi QSO behind as example:  the zone need to be imported with tag <CQZ:1>5
or <CQZ:2>05 and the state as <STATE:2>MA - you can forget the non essential
fields rest, the points will be calculated when doing "rescore"...
(you may have to check how to import the band either <FREQ:5>7.000  or
<BAND:3>40M one or the other may work, but i am not sure...) - anyway as
mentionned earlier it is quite easy to use a text editor, like wordpad to
convert the ADI <TAGS:> /// for example using "search" : <BAND:3>40m and
"replace" by <FREQ:5>7.000

N1MM ADI output sample
<CALL:5>K1TTT <QSO_DATE:8>20050924 <TIME_ON:6>000109 <STATE:2>MA <BAND:3>40M
<RST_SENT:3>599 <OPERATOR:5>F6IRF <CQZ:1>5 <STX:1>5 <POINTS:1>3 <RADIO_NR:1>0

Once again if you find this too complex, just send me your ADI. I'll see what I
can do with it...


Re: [RTTY] CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY entry
from [f6irf] [Permanent Link][Original]

To:  rtty at contesting.com
Subject:  Re: [RTTY] CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY entry
From:  f6irf at free.fr
Date:  Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:58:09 +0200
List-post:  <mailto:rtty at contesting.com>

The CQ robot is quite exigeant, so I think doing your cabrillo manualy gonna be
a hard job! I have already done it with excel, but it really requires a good
knowledge of Excel and the Cabrillo-format... (btw it won't give you the
claimed score, but I think the field is not absolutely required)

I think the best way would be to import your ADIF log into a contest software
like N1MM (freeware) or mixW (shareware)... the only thing you need to do is to
make sure your software generated ADI <TAGS:> compatible with the software in
which you want to import... (for ex. <SRX:2>05 for the zone... depending on the
software you use)
Anyway, converting <TAGS:> is a very easy  job, using the "search and replace"
function of any text editor... (assuming you have entered the Zone and the state
in different fields, like name and qth...)
More complicated is gonna be to learn the minimum required to import and create
a Cabrillo, with a contest software you have never seen before. (If you speak
french, I have recently written a "how to create a cabrillo using mixW" for a
french station who asked for my assitance)

Other possibility: I have tried recently a log-checker (freeware) which allows
import in ADI and  export to Cabrillo. I can't remember the nane right now ( it
is German I think) but it is intalled on my PC at home,  so I'll be able to
you the name  later... You may also find something usable in

last:  IF you entered  "State" and "zone" in different ADI fields, just send me
your ADI, I l'll do it for you... If you entered everything in the same
"comment field" you need to do something in your soft first, before exporting
the ADI.
For example I can deal easily with <NAME:2>05  and <COMMENT:2>NY but something
like <COMMENT:5>05 MA is gonna take me too much time !

best regards - Pat

[RTTY] CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY entry
from [Graeme Caselton] [Permanent Link][Original]

To:  rtty at contesting.com
Subject:  [RTTY] CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY entry
From:  Graeme Caselton <gcaselton at yahoo.com>
Date:  Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:56:45 -0700 (PDT)
List-post:  <mailto:rtty at contesting.com>

Good morning all....

having taken part in the contest and worked some 200+ stations, I'd
like to enter a log for the contest. As I don't have a 'contest
station' as such, I use WinWarbler for RTTY, which means that I
cannot score the contest or count multipliers etc. The file I have
available is in ADIF format.

Can I just use a text editor to remove the ADIF comments and then
submit that? Without any scores? If the contest has a cabrillo
template, do the log entries have to be spaced an exact number of
characters apart, or do they just have to be in the correct sequence?


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