Costas Krallis SV1XV
kkrallis at ath.forthnet.gr
Sun Apr 2 15:25:50 EDT 2006
> After the contest, I prepared my log as usual, but I see that the ADIF
> export now has some rather odd tags!
> Here is an example:
> ===============snip==============
> <QSO_DATE:8>20060402 <TIME_ON:6>061644 <FREQ:5>7.045 <BAND:3>40m <STX:1>2
> <CALL:4>NO2T
> <RST_SENT:3>599
> <RST_RCVD:3>599
> <APP_WRITELOG_COUNTRY:13>United States
> <EOR>
> ===============snip===============
> What are all these <APP_WRITELOG_ bits?
Hi Phil, I use an older release of Writelog (10.54c)
which does not support EA RTTY and does not produce
these ADIF fields. I exported a text file and
converted it to Cabrillo with WT4I Cabrillo Converter.
73 Costas SV1XV
| Costas Krallis SV1XV * LOC KM18UA |
| P.O.Box 3066 * E-Mail: |
| GR-10210 Athens * PGP key: 0xEF65B04B |
| GREECE * http://www.qsl.net/sv1xv/ |
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