[RTTY] DominoEx versus RTTY test contest April 26 and 27.

Andrew O'Brien andrewobrie at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 13:08:05 EDT 2006

I would like to stimulate a test of Domino EX for contesting, so would
like to get a few people to test under a very short Sprint conditions.
This  test contest would like to see how Domino EX compares to RTTY
and PSK63 for contesting speed and reception. Please enter, and
sumbmit comments,  even if you only operate for  just a few minutes
and work only 1 or 2 stations.

Suggested CQ call  "CQ DOMINOEX SPRINT"
Exchange:  RST and name
bands:      40 and 80M only.

Times/Dates  :  2000-2100 UTC April 26
                       0000-0100 UTC April 27
                       0600 0700 UTC April 27

Please note the dates are UTC dates.

Mode: Domino EX 11
(DominoEX 11 =  11.025 Baud   Bandwidth 262Hz  18 tones , Speed  ~70 WPM )

Scoring  :  2 points per QSO.  May work the same  station only once
per band per hour (so you can work one station  a total of six times ,
three separate hours on the  two bands ).

Suggested frequencies  :  3580-83, 7037-39, 7065-67. Please consult
your regional band plan for permitted data frequencies.  Listen before

Email scores and logs to Digitalradio Reflector or to
K3UK at obriensweb.com .  Please submit even if you worked only one

Please email any other suggestions you may have for this test. Please
pass this to other reflectors/mail lists.

You can find the Domino EX software in a number of software
applications including the free Multipsk at 

and also one at  http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~coombedn/FILES/DominoEXj.zip
Andy K3UK
Fredonia, New York.
Skype Me :  callto://andyobrien73
Also available via Echolink

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