[RTTY] KN4LF Daily LF/MF/HF Radio Propagation Outlook #2006-015

Thomas Giella KN4LF flcyclone at tampabay.rr.com
Fri Aug 25 10:50:35 EDT 2006


My propagation outlooks are not SPAM. Understanding of and use of knowledge of radiowave propagation conditions to increase one's DXCC standing is fundamental. I have received dozens of emails from members of this reflector in support of my propagation outlooks, you being the lone dissenter. I suspect that you don't understand radio wave propagation so don't want to be reminded of that fact by my measly four posts per month on this reflector.

--... ...--,
Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF
Retired Meteorologist & Space Plasma Physicist
Lakeland, FL, USA
Grid Square EL97AW
kn4lf at arrl.net

KN4LF Solar Space Weather & Geomagnetic Data Archive: http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf5.htm
KN4LF Daily LF/MF/HF Frequency Radio Propagation Outlook: http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf6.htm
KN4LF 160 Meter Propagation Theory Notes: http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf8.htm
Radiowave Propagation Yahoo eGroup: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/radiowavepropagation 
Man Induced Climate Change Refuted: http://www.kn4lf.com/globalwarminglie.htm 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bill Turner 
  To: Thomas Giella KN4LF ; a RTTY COL eList 
  Cc: jjreisert at alum.mit.edu 
  Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 10:33 AM
  Subject: Re: [RTTY] KN4LF Daily LF/MF/HF Radio Propagation Outlook #2006-015


  At 12:43 PM 8/24/2006, Thomas Giella KN4LF wrote:

  >The KN4LF Daily LF/MF/HF Radio Propagation Outlook


  ------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------

  Is it possible to get this spam stopped before it gets sent to the 
  reflector members? If I want propagation info, I will subscribe to a 
  propagation reflector.

  Bill, W6WRT
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