[RTTY] Why No XE Calls?

Brad Wilcox bkwilcox at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 12:28:05 EST 2006

Dick, 205 Q's and only 10 mults?  With all the contest software out there
This should be the easiest part of contesting - scoring.  Even if you can
your log into a spreadsheet program and do it manually you can easily figure
more mults.
But again, this should be the easiest part (not requiring a diploma from
Have fun and hang in there OM!
>Yes, I know my score is at the bottom of the list with 205 QSOs.  I was too
>lazy to manually score the AA5VU.LOG file.  I enjoy contesting but detest
>scoring.  My .log file was submitted to the contest and LoTW.
>I recall working a number of very good XE stations in the contest but it
>surprising that none have taken the time to submit to the 3830 Score Web
>Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/.
>How about some XE claimed scores?
>73, Dick AA5VU



73, Brad KJ7NO


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