[RTTY] State exchanges in RU

Jeff Stai WK6I wk6i at twistedoak.com
Mon Jan 9 17:47:18 EST 2006

At 11:25 AM 1/9/2006, Ed wrote:
>WL is not at fault here. UT is the abbreviation which WL is looking
>for, Although I would think it would pick up on the UTah.
>Bugs me also, but one thing I have found sadly deficient is the number
>of hams ( on CW as well ) that do not know at least the standard
>abbreviations for the US. They should know these and all VE sections
>by memory.

agreed - however in WL you can click Contest->Show Multipliers... and get a list any time you need one. I usually open the window and park it off a screen edge, or on the second screen if I have one.

 - j

Jeff Stai               jds at twistedoak.com
Twisted Oak Winery      http://www.twistedoak.com/
Rocketry Org. of CA     http://www.rocstock.org/
Amateur Radio           WK6I ~ Calaveras County, CA 

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