[RTTY] Re 3830

Steve AI9T steve at ai9t.com
Sun Jan 29 15:48:49 EST 2006

The 3880 Submittal Form for BARTG is now available.


Steve AI9T


QSL via LOTW and EQsL

Phil Cooper wrote:

>Hi again!
>Thank goodness it isn't just me that couldn't find the 3830 page for the
>BARTG Sprint!
>I have just seen that several have contacted Bruce WA7BNM to let him know.
>I was expecting to see loads of emails saying IT IS THERE! LOOK!, but at
>least it isn't just me!
>And don't forget to also add your scores to
>www.rtty-contest-scene.com/index1.html which is done by Sigi DJ3NG.
>73 all
>Phil GU0SUP


Steve AI9T


QSL via LOTW and EQsL

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