[RTTY] External DSP devices

Peter Laws plaws0 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 10:33:14 EST 2006

On 1/29/06, Robert Chudek <k0rc at citlink.net> wrote:

> My opinion is save your money on the external DSP unit and put it toward a second rig (or an upgraded rig)!

I came to the same conclusion 2 years ago.  I had (well, still have)
an Icom IC-725 that I used for a half-dozen or more contests back in
'04 when I got back on the air seriously.  I did OK with *no* filters
and AFSK but realized that I needed better selectivity.

I looked modifying the unit to use the CW filters, which are still
available new (same filters as the IC-706, so the price stays up near
retail) or the Inrad filters on SSB but that proved not to be
feasible.   I also looked at the outboard DSP units (I'd used a
DSP599-something in college [W5YM]).

Eventually, I settled on getting a new radio and eBayed myself an
IC-746Pro.  Couldn't be happier - FSK and IF DSP.

Peter Laws | N5UWY/9 | plaws0 gmail | Travel by Train!

"They that can give up essential Liberty to
obtain a little temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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