[RTTY] Interfere with CW

Bob Stewart rstewart at paradise.net.nz
Tue Jan 31 21:09:04 EST 2006

Hi John,

Sorry I missed you in the BARTG Sprint - heard and called you on 20m but you 
did not hear me.

My comments - The Region III digital bands go down to 7030 and for JA 7025 
so the comments about 'Guard bands' do not apply to Region III. Chip 
demonstrates a myopic approach as he takes no account of band plans outside 
his own backyard.

In the case of JA, their administration sets the frequency plan, for the 
rest of Region III it's the IARU members that make the recommendations. 
However these are not aligned with Region I and Region II - probably because 
some administrations in these Regions set the band plans.

It's just a big mess and the best we can hope for is that when the extension 
of 40m happens it can be sorted. However ARRL seem to be jumping the gun 
with their band plan proposals and I think that if it proceeds we will all 
miss the chance to get  'the ducks in a line'.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Barber" <SKA at bartg.demon.co.uk>
To: <rtty at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 8:18 PM
Subject: [RTTY] Interfere with CW

Please read the note I had from Chip W7AIT, below, and my reply above.
Sensible comments will be welcome; we have enough wars already.


Thanks for the mail about our contest. I will reply in full shortly
after dealing with the 100s of logs coming in.

It would help if you can explain about these "guard bands". The only
ARRL contest that I have seen recently was the Roundup which had some
suggested RTTY frequencies, one of which was 7040 +/- 5KHz. In region 1
Europe 7040 is our centre frequency on RTTY in the IARU bandplans. I put
forward a proposal to move this further up the band a few years ago,
when the RSGB invited consultation prior to a region 1 meeting. After
calling the meeting they decided to discuss something entirely

I will also copy this to the RTTY reflector for comments .. we are not
all "contest jerks".


BARTG Contest Manager


You have no guard bands or recommended RTTY frequency ranges in your
contest today, and as usual with your RTTY "TEST" all you RTTY guys are
interfering with CW operation, especially 40 CW between 7025- 7040.

Can't you be gentlemen instead of "contest jerks" and add guard bands
like the ARRL test did last week?  I think you're being very

And the ARRL wants bands/ modes by band width?  You guys are
demonstrating that it doesn't work!  You all simply take over!

  Put some guard bands in your test please!

  Chip W7AIT

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