[RTTY] External DSP devices

Jeff Stai jds at twistedoak.com
Tue Jan 31 22:26:42 EST 2006

At 07:06 PM 1/31/2006, Bill Coleman wrote:
>For that price range, you can buy a NEW K2/100 with the external  
>KAT100 tuner. Of course, you'd have to build it, but that would be  
>half the fun.

roger that!

>The downside of the K2/100 is you can only run about 25 watts on RTTY  
>unless you substantially beef up the cooling of the finals with an  
>external fan. Then you can run 50 watts. 100 watts on CW or SSB is no  
>problem, but RTTY really punishes the finals.

I wouldn't say that - I have run the full 100W in a RTTY contest using 
two 12V 4" fans blowing down right on the heat sink. Stays cool as can be!

- jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai               jds at twistedoak.com
Twisted Oak Winery      http://www.twistedoak.com/

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