[RTTY] Not to beat the ANTENNA OVERKILL horse...

scarroll at mchsi.com scarroll at mchsi.com
Fri Jul 21 11:29:15 EDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Barry" <w2up at mindspring.com>
To: "Dick Stein" <k2zr at arrl.net>
Cc: <rtty at contesting.com>; "Jerry Flanders" <jeflanders at comcast.net>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Not to beat the ANTENNA OVERKILL horse...

> For all you SO1R whiners, it's not the second radio or the big antennas
> that makes you lose, it's the operator.  If K3MM, KI5XP or AA5AU (please
> don't be insulted if you're a big gun and I left you out, hi) ran 1
> radio with tribander, or perhaps even dipoles, he would still beat you.
> And last, grow up.  You should know by now life isn't always fair.
> 73,
> Barry W2UP

I have to agree with Tom, WX4TM. Nobody's "whining" or asking the BIG GUN (or 
little pistol) SO2R ops to "...come down to the SO1R level...". If you're a 
proficient, contest winning RTTY operator (with or without BIG antennas) I 
applaud you and your winning ways. The fact is that if the rules were changed 
and there WERE seperate categories for SO1R and SO2R, that the SO2R winner 
would STILL win the SO2R category. The difference is that there would also be 
an SO1R winner in the NEW category.

I think Barry, W2UP's example is "apples & oranges". Of course, AA5AU (or 
another previous contest winner) could beat out most of the SO1R field if he 
entered as SO1R. That's not the example to be used here... but, how about 
AA5AU running SO1R and K3MM running SO2R. Is this a fair matchup? Do you 
really think that ANYBODY who enters SO1R has a chance of beating a seasoned 
SO2R operator. NOPE !!!

This SO2R debate isn't about changing the SO2R operator techniques or antenna 
farms. We're only asking to have SO1R compete against SO1R and SO2R vs. SO2R, 
just like you wouldn't expect an SO2R station to go up against a Multi-Single 
or Multi-Multi.

My 2 cents...

73, Steve - K2SC

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