[RTTY] Two sides

Joe Subich, W4TV w4tv at subich.com
Sun Jul 23 22:46:01 EDT 2006

W0DC writes: 

> Amazing! When your arguments don't have the persuasive power 
> you'd like, pull out the secret weapons and make a proclamation 
> from on high and then call the people you disagree with names. 
> Why do a few get so irritated and condescending when challenged 
> by a contest rule change discussion?

Banning, excluding, or separating that which you do not like, 
understand or approve is bigotry - that is the definition: 
"strongly favoring one's own group, ... and intolerant of 
those who differ."  

That the bigotry is sanctioned by "a vote taken at the Dayton 
RTTY Forum a few years ago" is no different than legislation 
passed by general elections in many states, counties and cities 
for many years ... or the rules of various homeowners associations 
that prevented selling or renting properties in the community to 
those who were different.  This is still absolutely wrong; it 
benefits one  group and is intolerant of those who are different. 

SOmR is strictly within all the rules of "single operator, single 
transmitter" class - all functions are performed by one operator 
and only one signal transmitted at a time.  To single out SOmR is 
no different than to single out those who have directional 
antennas (yagis, quads, log periodics, etc.), a tower taller 
than 50 feet, or more than one tower. 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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