[RTTY] SO2R vs. SO1R - a pertinent question
w2up at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 24 21:51:14 EDT 2006
Even without a second radio, scores can still be improved. It just
takes some ingenuity and motivation. As an example, prior to my SO2R
days, I used my FT-1000D in SO1.5R mode. When CQing using VFO A, while
in rcve, I would tune VFO B looking for new stations and mults on the
same band. In between CQs, when the timing was just right, I'd hit the
SPLIT button, drop my call in on the VFO B freq, and work the guy.
Then, go back to CQing on VFO A. In essence, I was running on one freq.
and S&Ping on another, on the same band, all with one radio. That was
probably good for an extra 10 QSOs/hour/
That's not fair to the guys with a one VFO radio, so I guess we need
another category for them, too. Round and round we go...
Tom Moore wrote:
> No Barry, you're missing the point.. I'm not comparing those two to
> others. I'm comparing their intelligence and skills to apply and the
> difference in success, of SO2R vs SO1R. When all else is equal
> in a given station, the use of SO2R offers a signficant advantage.
> But you're also very right. It takes practice and more practice
> to operate SO2R.. Though many here have claimed its easy. But
> its not. Everyone has different skill levels and not everyone can
> operate SO2R to its maximum efficiency. If the skills are there,
> the significant improvement will be there. It remains, that given
> the SO2R capability, most ops will significantly improve their scores.
> Contest scores have shown that many times.
> 73, Tom
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Barry" <w2up at mindspring.com>
> To: "Tom Moore" <wx4tm at tm-moore.com>; "RTTY List" <rtty at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 8:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [RTTY] SO2R vs. SO1R - a pertinent question
>> Tom,
>> You're missing the point. _Operator skill_ is the significant
>> advantage. It's not easy to be able to use the second radio to one's
>> advantage (granted, it's easier on RTTY, than CW or SSB.) Put an
>> inexperienced or mediocre op in an SO2R station and it's very likely
>> his score will suffer.
>> 73,
>> Barry
>> Tom Moore wrote:
>>> but Joe, AA5AU and KI5XP and other top SO2R ops have specifically
>>> stated that SO2R was the significant advantage. How can you dispute
>>> them when you say they're the smartest, they know their capabilities
>>> and
>>> their equipment?
>>> 73, Tom
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>> Barry Kutner, W2UP Newtown, PA
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Barry Kutner, W2UP
Newtown, PA
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