[RTTY] CQ WW RTTY DX Contest 2006

Rainer Hilgardt r.hilgardt at gmx.net
Fri Jul 28 06:11:21 EDT 2006

    Hi all,

    from 21.09.2006 until 25.09.2006 our crew Ekki (DF4OR), Tilman (DJ5BX), Thomas (DK9FEC),
    Peter (DL1FX) and Rainer (DL1ZBO) will be in the principality Liechtenstein
    HBO in CW, RTTY and SSB QRV.
    On 23./24.09.2006 our crew will be taking part in the "CQ WW RTTY DX
    Contest" under the call HB0/DL1ZBO. 
    We hope to see a lot of OMs on our monitor.
    QSL of all QSOs via bureau.

    73, de Rainer, DL1ZBO

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